The Most Powerful Healing Prayer by St. Padre Pio
This is commonly referred to as the “Prayer to St. Anthony for a Special Favor.” St. Anthony of Padua is well-known as a powerful intercessor, often invoked for help in finding lost items or for seeking miraculous assistance in challenging situations. This prayer highlights his deep love for God and his compassion for humanity, which were the source of his miraculous gifts during his earthly life.
The prayer expresses trust in St. Anthony’s intercessory power and asks him to present the supplicant’s request to the Infant Jesus, a symbol of divine love and grace, whom St. Anthony is often depicted cradling in his arms. It also promises heartfelt gratitude for his aid, emphasizing devotion and thanksgiving to the saint in return for his intercession. This gentle and faith-filled prayer reflects both reverence for St. Anthony and confidence in his loving assistance.
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints,
your love for God and charity for
His creatures, made you worthy,
when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.
Encouraged by this thought,
I implore you to obtain for me…
(State your request)
O gentle and loving St. Anthony,
whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,
whisper my petition into the ears of the
sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be
folded in your arms; and the gratitude
of my heart will ever be yours.