Prayer for Inner Peace

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This prayer for peace in the midst of anxiety is a sincere call for God’s comfort and reassurance during moments of fear and uncertainty. It tenderly expresses the struggles of a restless heart, longing for stillness and relief from overwhelming thoughts. The prayer is a trusting surrender to God’s infinite wisdom and love, seeking His guidance to face life’s challenges with faith and courage. It reminds us that no problem is greater than God’s power and invites His peace to take root in the depths of our hearts.


Lord, please put Your peace in my heart.
I’m worried and anxious.
My mind races and obsesses.
I can’t help thinking about my problems.
And the more I think about them,
the more depressed I become.
I feel like I’m sinking down in quicksand
and can’t get out.
Calm me, Lord.
Slow me down, put Your peace in my heart.

No matter what problem I have, Lord,
You are bigger,
You are more powerful than it is.
So I bring my problem to You.
I know what I want.
I know my will.
I do not know Yours.
I do not know how You will use this problem
for my salvation.
I do not know what good You will work out
from this evil.
But I trust You.
I trust Your goodness and Your wisdom.
So I place myself in Your hands.
Please fill my heart with peace.



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