Prayer Against Jealousy

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This prayer to St. Hedwig is a heartfelt plea for freedom from jealousy and envy, seeking her intercession to cultivate gratitude, humility, and love of others. St. Hedwig, known for her selflessness and charity, is invoked as a guide to help transform one’s heart, replacing envy with joy and peace while embracing the blessings of God’s providence. This prayer serves as a reminder to view others through the lens of divine love and strive to live a life of humility and contentment in Christ.


Dearest Saint Hedwig, humble servant of God,
your life on earth exemplified the virtues of
humility, charity, and contentment. Through
your intercession, I seek deliverance from the
chains of jealousy that bind my heart.

I beseech thee, gracious Saint, to implore
our Lord Jesus Christ on my behalf, that I may
be granted the grace to rejoice in the blessings
of others, to quell the rising tide of envy within,
and to embody a spirit of gratitude and humility.

I pray that through your heavenly intercession,
the eyes of my heart may be opened to the
boundless graces bestowed upon me by the
Divine Providence. May the Holy Spirit purge
my heart of jealousy and plant seeds of love, joy,
and peace in its stead.

Teach me, O humble Saint, to view the world
through a lens of divine love, embracing a
heart filled with joy for the blessings of others.
Lead me along the path of righteousness,
where envy finds no refuge, and where my heart
can resonate with the harmonious chords of
divine love and charity.

Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I place my trust
and hope. St. Hedwig, pray for us, that we may
be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


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